Zero Escape 999: Laboratory

Full video walkthrough guide

The laboratory has two parts to it. The inner section where Clover will enter and the outer section where Junpei and Lotus remain.

Get the 3-pronged power cable from the top of the shelf first. Try to use it on the computer and you will be told that the computer needs a 3-pronged one.

Check the lockers with green lights to retrieve ethanol.

Check the inner room and click on the monitor device. Clover will retrieve the 2-prong plug for you. Collect it from her at the gate.

Go back to the inner room and examine the pen on the table. Go to the gate and pass Clover the ethanol.

Examine the table again and Junpei will tell Clover to use the cloth. Examine the table two more times to get Clover to write down the hint. Go to the gate to get the notes which will give you the steps to solving the puzzle on the computer.

Key Story CheckpointWhen you are prompt whether you want to give the 4 leaf clover bookmark to Clover, choose to give it to her.

Combine the 3-pronged cable with the 2-pronged plug and get the 2-pronged power cable.

Use the cable on the computer. and you will need to solve the puzzle. All you need to do is to turn all panels green in 4 attempt using the notes you have retrieved earlier.

The lockers are now showing green lights for all. Check now unlocked lockers to get activation key and Earth key.

Use the activation key on the switch.

Head back to the inner room and ask Clover to check the power and increase the voltage and a fire will break out. The door are now unlocked. Get clover first and then escape the room.

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