Zero Escape ZTD: Pantry

Full video walkthrough guide

Grab the iodine solution from the right drawer of the cabinet right to the gelatin recipe & gelatin powder from the left drawer of the cabinet left to it.

On top of the shelf where you get the gelatin powder, open the box and you will find a round part and potatoes. Use the iodine solution on the potatoes.

Input the code to the glass refrigerator. The code to the right panel is R-L-L-D-U-D and the one to the left is D-U-D-L-L-R. Get the Doll Manual, bottle of water & blue doll.

Above the blue doll, you will find a puzzle. Just match up the sides. You can view the full walkthrough video on the solution. You will get the mold once you complete the puzzle.

Look at the glass panel of the refrigerator and you will get a hint Left Hand + Doll =

Put the round part onto the head of the gingerbread man shape on the microwave.

Warm up the blue doll in the microwave and you will see it now turns pale pink with the number 1234 on it.

Now follow the gelatin recipe and combine the few items you have. Put the mold into the microwave and select chill to get gelatin. Put it into the missing body part on the machine and you will get a key.

Use the key on the hand in the right drawer where you found the gelatin powder. You will see 3 numbers on it.

Uncuffed the right arm where you picked up the blue doll and warm it up in the microwave.

The code to the door is Doll (1234) + left hand (625) = 1859.

Use the opened right arm on the panel and the door is now opened.

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