Zero Escape 999: Shower Room

Full video walkthrough guide

Check out the first toilet stall and retrieve the toilet roll and luminol from above. Check inside the stall to get bucket and broom.

Combine the broom and the toilet roll to get the message 634 +

Check out the water tank in the 2nd stall to get the screwdriver and in the 3rd stall to get the red key card.

Use the screwdriver on the thermometer on the wall to take it down.

Turn on the shower and put the thermometer under the hot water. It will pop open and you get a note 957+

Collect the hot water with the bucket and then add it to the water tank in the 2nd stall. Flush the toilet and lift the lid to find the message 185 =

Use the luminol on the wall with the blood writings and then switch off the light. The message read LLRLRL.

Now open the box with the valve in it and adjust the valve to left or right based on the writings above.

The drain is now overflowing with water and you can remove the lid to get the blue key card.

Examine the lock and use both the red and blue key card on it to activate the panel. The password to escape the room is 957 + 634 + 285 = 1776

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