Zero Escape VLR: Crew Quarters

Full video walkthrough guide

Go to Room 2 first and retrieve the small piece of metal from the table.
Go to Room 4 next and retrieve the part of a key from the table.

Combined the small piece of metal with the part of a key.

Use the key on the handcuffs locking Room 3.

Retrieve the box cutter from the table in Room 3 and open the cabinet to get the large roll of aluminum foil.

Combine the box cutter with the large roll of aluminum foil 4 times and you will get 4 patterns on the aluminum foil.

Use pattern 3 with the desk and it will show the word LOCKER.

Go to Room 2 and use the pattern 1 on the table.

Open the locked cabinet with the passcode 4985. The passcode panel is a bit different as you don’t get the numbers 1 to 9. However, it is just a simple math as follows:

  • 4 = 3+1
  • 9 = 6+3
  • 8 = 6+2
  • 5 = 3+2

Get the cassette tape from the cabinet.

Go to Room 4 and use the pattern 2 on the table.

Open the locked cabinet with the passcode 3472 as follows:

  • 3 = 0+3
  • 4 = 3+1
  • 7 = 6+1
  • 2 = 0+2

Get the coin from the wallet inside the cabinet and use it to scratch off the silver parts on the poster in the room. The clue to the area to scratch are actually based on the torn parts of the human marking in the bed in all the 4 rooms.

Go to room 3 and put the cassette tape into the phone.

Back in Room 1, call Room 2 and 4 using the fast dial number on top. You will get the hint 2592. Key it into the phone and you will be connected to Room 3. 4 digits now appear on the screen above the phone. Dial 2652 and the box above the phone will open and you can get the small pin from it.

Put the foil with shapes into the desk.

This gives you 1986. The star & triangle are flipped between the poster and this image. Hence you need to rotate the 6 & the 9 in your answer. Use the small pin on the locker and key in your answer and get the safe password.

  • 1 = 0+1
  • 9 = 6+3
  • 8 = 6+2
  • 6 = 3+3

If you remember the 2562 was reflected in the mirror which shows them in a mirror order. Using the same symbol without flipping the star & triangle, read them backwards you can get 9861. This will give you the secret password.

  • 9 = 6+3
  • 8 = 6+2
  • 6 = 3+3
  • 1 = 0+1

You can now escape from the room with the passcodes!

Zero Escape: The Nonary Games_20220418004949

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