Zero Escape ZTD: Locker Room

Full video walkthrough guide

Pick up the hair dryer besides the sink. Check the unlocked lockers and pick up conversion plug and Note 1. Combine the hair dyer and the conversion plug. Plug in the hair dryer to the power box near the sink and then click on the hair dryer to blow on the exhaust fan.

Go the lockers again and unlock the one with the color code bar. Get a coin and a remote control from the locker.

Use the coin to unscrew the panel of the red power box. Connect the cable on the left to turn the power box on.

Turn the left switch on and the shower area is now lighted up. Push the button of the remote control to drain the dirty water and pick up the round piece in the drain.

In the 2nd shower stall from the right, pick up Note 2 & in the shower stall next to the fish tank, pick up the bucket. Fill the bucket with water in the shower stall with working tap.

Switch the light on at the locker area again and look back over to the shower room and you will see numbers illuminated on the drain cover.

Unlock the last locker with the this hint and then solve a puzzle. Just match the side and it can be solve easily. Check the video guide if you need help. You will get a screwdriver once you solved it.

Over at the sink. Unplug the right sink and water will flow to the left. Pour the bucket of water into the right sink and a key will float up.

Switch the light to the shower area again. Use the key on the door of the locked shower room and pick up the hose.

Use the screwdriver to unscrew the panel on the fish tank and place the round piece into the hole. Press it to drain the fish tank and pick up the C-Shaped piece.

Put the C-Shaped piece in the red power box with the letter C. You can now turned on the light in the whole locker room.

Go back to the shower stall with working tap and use the screw to unscrew the shower head. Connect the hose to it and the music box in the locker and the drawer will open and you get another note.

Water will start filling the room and you need to avoid being drowned. Got to the glass shower room to hide and then press the button on the remote control to close the drain lid.

Check the red power box and it will now ask you to restart it. Press the reset button.

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