Zero Escape VLR: Security

Full video walkthrough guide

Turn the switch on in the box with a thunderbolt logo above it and you will see the footage on the screen in front of the yellow chair.

Move to the area with the safe. Push the red button on the lion head symbol on the wall behind the sofa to turn off the light.

Check the left side and you see 2 green star illuminated. Pick up the hourglasses. Check the right side and you see 2 red stars illuminated.

Go back to the monitor area and look back. You will see letters appearing on the steps. Go back and turn the lights on.

Check the steps and you will noticed that Red is on the first step and magenta is the 2nd step and so on. Match the color to the letters on the steps earlier and match the color to the chairs. This gives you the password to the computer.

Red Chair password & minigame answer.

Green Chair password & minigame answer.

You need to click on the files in the screen and you will see the words appears in the big monitor above each one.

Examine the hourglass and you will note that there are numbers written on it.

Yellow Chair password & minigame answer. The yellow hourglass shows 11 and the red shows 04. This tells you that 1 bar on the screen = 1.

You need to switch off the screen where you do not need the password. For the safe password, follow the guide below:

For the secret password, follow the guide below:

You can now escape from the room with the passcodes!

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